Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mid-week Update

Well, it is Wednesday evening and I am sure you are sitting at home wondering, what is going on in the Prusse household? Well now all your heart's greatest desires can come true. Here is a little update on what we have been up to.

I am thinking of adding a little element of cooking on this blog. Each week I want to try out a new recipe I have found and feature it on the blog. So this week is Pumpkin Pancakes that I found on Pinterest from this blog: I was super excited to make these pancakes and they were pretty tasty but I will admit they were not everything I was hoping for. I thought they were a little too rich for breakfast. If I made them again I would add butter to the recipe, and less pumpkin. It was a little too overwhelming of a flavor. But at least I finally tried them.

In keeping with the theme of Fall this weekend Sam and I finally went on a little walk to see the changing leaves. We tried at the beginning of October but it was too early. It is this time of year that I miss Logan and how easy it was to just go up the canyon and see the leaves. We ended up walking around in Farmington because the leaves along the streets are so beautiful.

We had a good time on our walk enjoying the beautiful bright leaves. Fall is definitely here, closely followed by winter, which we are experiencing a little bit of. Here is what I saw this morning after I got out of bed.

Do you think he has enough blankets? As soon as I get out of bed Sam moves right to the middle and takes over my pillows. Isn't he cute? Well on that note, have a great rest of the week!


  1. Hey, I'm about to post a pumpkin-themed recipe, too! We're so cute and homemakerish :)

    P.S. You wanna go to a corn maze this weekend? Matt and I are going to be in Bountiful...

  2. jae does the same thing! as soon as i get up, he moved his pillow over on mine and uses them all and takes up the whole space (well, except the puppy is in there somewhere too).

  3. Torrie! We are going to Moab this weekend. Boo. Want to come to Moab? We never seem to be in town at the same time anymore.

  4. HAHA! I love that picture of sam with his sweater and all and.... oh yep, basketball shorts! Even when it's freezing! I'm always laughing at Caleb's shorts all year round. I wish I liked pumpkin things more, because it's just so fallish and festive. I'll be looking forward to your cooking posts ;)
