Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Holidays with the Prusses

So it is true that holidays are just more fun with kids, even if that kid is only two months old and has no idea what is going on. For some reason it just makes the day more special and fun. So even thought Gavin had no clue what was going on on Christmas day, it just made it more fun to have him with us. We had a great December with little Gavin and a wonderful Christmas. I can't believe that almost a month has already passed, so it is about high time that I get this post written. 

The night before Christmas we had my family's traditional Bethlehem dinner, where we eat on the floor and have special foods. The kids put on a nativity as my mom read the story of the birth of Christ, and I must say it actually went really well. Gavin got to play the role of the Baby Jesus of course, a role he played twice this Christmas season. The whole night was really fun.

All the Grandkids dressed up

Our little Family on Christmas Eve

On Christmas we slept in, ate a delicious breakfast with my parents, and opened our presents all while little Gavin slept. Then when he woke up we opened his presents (which were very few) and then headed to Sam's parents for some more Christmas magic.

Our little Christmas Tree

Gavin's First Stocking

Sam and his presents

Me and my presents

Gavin and his presents (He was too wiggly for a good picture)

Gavin and Mom

Gavin and Dad (We didn't get one with all three of us)

Gavin and his cousin Ellie (they were born 13 days apart)

Christmas came and went and soon it was time for my birthday. This year I turned 29 and you know what? There is nothing that makes you care less about your birthday than having a baby. All I wanted was to have a relaxing day and to sleep and that is pretty much what happened. If it weren't for me and Sam being dumb and staying up until midnight at my sister's house then it would have been a perfect day. I got to sleep in and Sam made me breakfast. Then we went out to lunch with my sister and her family. After that my sister took Gavin and we went home and took a nap. We then met back up and my whole family got together and had dinner at Joy Luck. Afterwards we all went to my sister Rebekah's house and had a little party. Everyone played games but I pretty much just felt like I fed Gavin and changed poopy diapers the whole time. Gavin had been staying up super late around that time so we thought we would just stay up until midnight. Well, that was a terrible idea. By the time we actually went home and got him ready for bed, we didn't end up going to bed until 2 am. Not cool. The next day I was more tired than before, even with my nap. Oh well. You live and learn. 

Sam cutting the Birthday cake

First picture of 2016, you can tell Gavin was loving it!

I did get the most amazing present from Sam. He got me a night at the Little America Hotel. A night of sleep! And the breakfast buffet the next morning, which is what we did on our honeymoon and it is amazingly delicious. On January 9th we had our hotel stay and it was really nice. We didn't actually get to the hotel until about 9 pm. We wanted to make it special so we went to this delicious bakery in downtown and got some treats and brought them back to our room. But again, we are kind of dumb and ended up staying up until midnight. This wouldn't have been a big deal but we had to go to a missionary homecoming the next day so we couldn't just sleep in as long as we wanted. So really even though the point of the stay was for me to get a good night's rest, I was really pretty tired the next day. But the whole thing was still really nice. My mom was so nice to watch Gavin and get up with him in the night. Sam was so nice to give me such a thoughtful gift and it was just fun to have a special night with the two of us, but I did really miss Gavin the whole time.

Our delicious desserts!

At the hotel and the amazing brunch buffet

So the holidays came and went and you know, I am not sorry they are over. I loved this Christmas and loved having our little Gavin here to spend it with us, but there was something satisfying about cleaning all the decorations up and getting back to normal life. So here is to the New Year! Happy 2016!


  1. Good for you for spending an entire night away from baby boy already! I remember taking a 7 week old Gracie with us for our anniversary stay (at Grand America!) cuz I just didn't know if I could leave her yet. But you just have to make the time for yourself! And I hear ya - Lola tends to want to eat at 11pm and I often just stay up til then to feed her and then go to bed after that. I think often how I should just go to sleep earlier... And then never do. We never learn.

  2. Glad you were able to get a night away--the getaway is definitely needed sometimes, even if you do miss the little munchkin back at home. And I know what you mean about it feeling nice to get back to normal life :)
