I can't believe our little Gavin is 7 weeks old already! Since I write this blog mostly as a personal journal and record keeping thing for myself, and not really to get a lot of readers, my goal is to write an update at least once a month on Gavin and life in general. I know I think that I will remember all the details of him as a baby, but chances are I will easily forget. His month old milestone came and went so fast that I better get this in before he is two months!
Here are his stats at birth:
Weight: 7 pounds
Height: 19.5 inches
Head: 34 cm
At his two week appointment:
Weight: 7 pounds (we were so happy he made it back to his birth weight, because we were worried there for a bit) 10th percentile
Height: 20.75 inches 54th percentile
Head: 35 cm 14th percentile
I can't weight to see what he is at his 2 month appointment. I guess I could try to weigh and measure him myself, but I will just let the professionals do it. My guess is that he is at least 9.5 pounds. He is really starting to chunk up, which is just glorious.
Gavin is just a delight, but is also keeping us on our toes. He is getting so big so fast and I just love it! Sure I love how tiny he is and this adorable newborn phase, but I won't lie, I can't wait for him to be a little more interactive and to be able to hold his head up and things like that. Today he smiled at me for the first time. Of course he has had little baby smiles since birth, but this was a full on legitimate smile that was actually at me, not just a baby reflex. Can I just say it melted my heart? And he even did it twice! It is like there is finally some validation in this crazy thing called parenthood.
I have been told Gavin is a very vocal baby, which is the nice way of saying he is a little fussy. He really doesn't full blown cry very often, but he grunts and struggles ALL THE TIME. It is getting better, but from about week 3 until about week 6, he has gone through some serious gastrointestinal distress. We have tried a few things but nothing really has seemed to work. I keep thinking I should try to go off dairy or something, but I can't seem to manage it. I do think his reflux is getting a little better and he has been able to settle down at night so much better! He has started realizing night and day and sleeps 3 to 4 hour stretches at night. Before he was only sleeping about 45 minute to hour and a half at most stretches. Let's just say that was keeping me pretty tired.
Gavin sleeps in his own room, in his own crib. He hates being swaddled, but needs it to stay asleep. He loves bath time. He used to cry because he got cold, but now that we can let him soak in the warm water he gets really relaxed. He loves getting his hair rinsed with warm water and Mom loves brushing his hair after bath time. Gavin gets a bath almost every night to help him calm down before bed. It is a little bit of work, but it is worth it to help him sleep longer.
Gavin loves being held, except when he is overtired. We are really working on putting him down for naps and it seems to be working. He loves getting his bum patted and back rubbed. He also loves foot and hand massages. He is a good little eater and sometimes it seems like he could eat all day long, which is not as fun for me. Every night Sam feeds Gavin at least one bottle so I can get more sleep and I think it is a great bonding time for them.
Things I don't want to forget: I love the way he scrunches his little forehead when I am feeding him, like he is concentrating really hard. I love his hairy ears. I love stroking his dark hair while he eats. I think it is hilarious that when he eats is also when he is able to pass gas. He makes this funny face where his eyes get all wide and he goes really still and quiet and then bam, out comes the toot, and then he starts frantically eating again. I love the face he makes when he is out cold on my shoulder and his cheek gets all squished. I love his little whimpers and sighs that he makes. I love that he purses his lips all the time and makes the best turtle face. I love his big round cheeks and double chin. We keep him pretty bundled up, so every now and then I love feeding him in just a onesie and getting to stroke his tiny hands and feet. I love all his nicknames: Gavman, Little Gav, Gavvy, Gavinator, Gavindor, Gavindo, Toots Magoots, and Spits Magee. Yes I call him all those names. I love that he is getting little rolls on his arms and legs. Today I love that he finally smiled back at me. It makes me excited for all that is to come for him. I absolutely love my little Gavin.
Parenthood is exhausting. I feel overwhelmed most days. I feel like I am failing most days. But I have to tell myself that I am doing an okay job. I have to remember to just take a step back and enjoy this time because it will go by so fast.
We love you Gavin!